A Message For Our Youth

Dear Reader,

I wanted to take this moment to say something to our young men and young women. If you are an adult who haven’t realized it or gave much thought to it, our youth is our future. Please take time to share this with the youth around you! Help me encourage and inspire them to be the very best they can be. Let’s aid them to be better today, than they were yesterday and greater tomorrow, than they are today. This is the least that we can do.

My message to our youth: I encourage you to give life a chance by trying you. Try you before you try drugs, gangs or violence. Give yourself a chance to live out your dreams.

Be seekers of the truth and do not take things on face value. Ask questions and be hungry for knowledge. Know your worth and do not sell yourself short. Live for what is real and know that your life is priceless so that you don’t die for anything less.

Strive off your strengths and strive to strengthen your weaknesses. Stay positive and know that your dreams can become reality through your determination and true dedication.

You are beautiful in every essence. You are greatness in every shade. Know yourself and that you have the ability to change the world and shape your destiny.

Believe in yourself and know that there is absolutely nothing that you can’t achieve. Nothing in this world is out of touch for you, if you just reach.

Try you! Believe in you! Be a leader! You are amazing! You are beautiful! So be proud of who you are and always stay true to you!

I believe in you!


Drako Sullivan

(Copyright 2017)

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